4 Security System Mistakes To Avoid During An Installation

9 December 2022
 Categories: , Blog


Whenever a business or an individual hires a contractor to perform a security system installation, they want the setup to run as well as possible. One of the big things to do from a security perspective is to avoid making easy-to-fix mistakes. Security system installers will encourage their customers to try to prevent these four problems. 

Lack of Redundancies

A security system has to be secure in and of itself. If a power outage or data transfer failure happens, you want the system to have enough redundancies that it can continue to do its job.

There are numerous areas where redundancies matter in a security system installation. You will want to have multiple ways of connecting to the outside world to notify emergency services of a break-in or fire. The systems also need redundant storage and logging to ensure that videos and records are preserved even if a couple of hard drives fail. A redundant power system with long-lasting battery backup or a generator will keep the system running even in a prolonged state of emergency.

Poor Coverage

Your security system also needs to provide coverage of all potentially vulnerable areas. If there is a video camera watching a hallway at a corner, for example, there needs to be another camera offering coverage of what's on the opposite side of the turn. Similarly, you'll want to have coverage that extends beyond your location's property line. Also, it's good to overlap coverage to reduce the odds of someone finding a blind spot.

No Depth

A common mistake is to provide no depth with a security system installation. This means that all of the security measures are deployed upfront. Suppose someone makes it past the access control setup to get into a building because another person let them in through the front door. If the intruder doesn't have to stop anywhere deeper in the building, then they have free reign to go and do whatever they want.

Always make sure that your security system has multiple checkpoints and several forms of verification. This will reduce the odds that someone can defeat the overall security measures.

Outdated Hardware

Using systems that are older can reduce some of the costs of a security setup. However, older systems may use protocols that are no longer secure. The most extreme form of this is using security cameras that wirelessly transmit without encryption. A would-be intruder can intercept the signal and even take advantage of it to see what's happening inside a secure area before they make a move.

Contact a local security system installation service to learn more.